Wolff: The death of Damian Lamar Daniels ‘should have never happened’

Mental health professionals, rather than deputies, may be the right people to respond to cases involving known mental health issues, according to Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff.

Wolff’s statement Friday follows the death of Damian Lamar Daniels, 30, who was the subject of four mental health-related calls before he was killed during a struggle with three Bexar County deputies Tuesday in the 11000 block of Liberty Field.

“Based on the information I have regarding the unfortunate death of Damian Lamar Daniels, I believe this incident should have never happened. Daniels did not have a criminal history, but did have mental issues,” Wolff said.

READ MORE: Sheriff: Four mental health calls received for man killed by deputy

A review of the call history showed that Daniels’ family called for assistance Monday, Wolff said. Deputies went to his home, found him despondent, and gave the family information on accessing a mental health warrant.

On Tuesday, deputies returned to the home following a call from the Red Cross, according to Wolff. He wrote that “a confrontation ensued that resulted in the shooting death of Daniels. The information I have is that he had a gun and the deputies were challenged.”

Activists gathered Thursday outside the Sheriff’s Office to protest Daniels’ death. Lexi Qaiyyim, an organizer with Young Ambitous Activists, said protestors do not believe officers are equipped to handle mental health calls.

Wolff asked County Manager David Smith to review the shooting death, recommend changes in policy, and determine the additional staff that would be required to augment the Mental Health Department.

“In cases like this, with known mental health issues, it may have been better to send crises mental health professionals rather than deputies with guns and uniforms,” Wolff said.

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