Top Hat Studios Issues Statement Regarding Demands To Censor Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story

Top Hat Studios – one of the developers of the upcoming side-scrolling survival horror sci-fi game Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story – has issued a statement regarding apparent calls to censor the game after receiving death threats over the art style.
The studio categorically refuses to censor the title – stating how it won’t restrict “creative expression” and believes creators should be allowed “freedom” to express themselves. According to the same statement, there have been threats to review-bomb the title and harass its distributors. In addition to this, it’s mentioned how it has passed classification.
Here’s the full and rather lengthy message shared by Top Hat on its official Twitter page:
If we hear any developments, we’ll be sure to let you know. Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is currently available to pre-order on the Switch for $19.99 and will be released on 7th January. Learn more about this game in our previous story.