Mutant Mudds Dev Announces New “Casual Online Party Game” For Switch, Supports Up To 13 Players

@Late Before that, as Renegade Kid, they made two amazing DS horror fps games, and a good DS sci-fi fps, so coming from DS and seeing they just went independent, so all that talent could turn into even better games on stronger hardware, with more freedom, I was a fan of them. They promised 3ds remakes of the DS games when they got the copyrights back, but only delivered Dementium 1 (and Moon, the sci-fi one, in episodes, in US, not here, as far as I know). Dementium 2, the best one, never happened, their new 3ds fps Cult County, which I really looked forward to, never happened. Apparently the publisher of those games became Devolver Digital, from what I see now. That is both surprising and a moment of ‘of course they did’, they have eye for low budget high quality games with a smaller market appeal.

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