Experts are seeing increasing numbers of kissing bugs in Texas

Experts say there has been an increase in the kissing bug population in Texas, potentially putting canines and humans at risk for Chagas.

While there isn’t any evidence that the kissing bugs are expanding their distribution in Texas, researchers saw above-average numbers of dispersing adult kissing bugs, said Gabe Hamer, entomologist and ecologist in the Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University.

Kissing bugs are small nocturnal insects that feed on blood during the night, known for biting humans around the mouth or eyes. These insects carry parasites that causes Chagas — an infection that can lie dormant for years before attacking the heart, esophagus or colon and can be found in humans, mammals and canines. While it is rare for humans to contract Chagas from kissing bugs, dogs are at a much higher risk as dogs have a higher chance of exposure, Hamer said.

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Canine Chagas is very common throughout Texas.

Kissing bugs like to be in the homes of small animals such as rodents and raccoons and can often be found in areas such as wood piles, tree cavities and burrows. Once they have grown to adulthood, kissing bugs fly and disperse — often finding themselves outside homes and near dog kennels, Hamer said.

Researchers don’t quite know why they are seeing more kissing bugs this year, they would need more long-term datasets and collection methods in order to understand those factors associated with the increase. Unfortunately because of the kissing bug’s unique biology, finding that information is difficult, Hamer said.

But, the likely culprit for the increasing dispersal activity has to do with a variation in weather.

Residents can try and keep kissing bugs away from their homes by keeping lights off around houses and kennels, removing wood or rock piles from the home and making sure any holes are repaired in screens, attics or crawl spaces.

Officials warn to never touch a kissing bug with bare hands and anything it came in contact should be thoroughly cleaned with a bleach solution.

Taylor Pettaway is a breaking news and general assignment reporter for | [email protected] | @TaylorPettaway

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