‘Don’t do it’: Texas organization warns not to snap selfies with alligators

A South Texas animal refuge is issuing a warning: leave the gators alone.

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, located in Austwell, Texas, on the southwest side of San Antonio Bay along the Gulf Coast, posted a message to its followers on Facebook on May 3. “Friends, unfortunately, we have to post these important reminders once again,” the refuge writes. 

“We see your selfies and other photos and we are concerned about your safety and the safety of the animals.”

The organization stressed feeding wildlife, including alligators, is not allowed on the refuge, adding the animals can become aggressive to humans if they are fed on the regular. 

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If that happens, the animals will have to relocated, and often don’t survive once removed, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge explains. The refuge also says to stay at least 30 feet away from alligators, as they are wild and can move very quickly on land or water.

“Please be responsible,” the organization caputions. “Your careless tossing out of a piece of food for an alligator could mean a death sentence for the animal, not to mention a costly ticket for you. Don’t do it. And please pass the word.”

In Texas, the American Alligator is common in swamps, rivers, bayous, and marshes along the Gulf Coastal Plains, according to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Formerly an endangered species, the alligator is now a protected game animal in Texas. Special permits are required to hunt, raise, or possess alligators.

Since October 1, 2003, it has been a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 for anyone caught feeding an alligator (so just stay clear from them).

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