Car covered by a yellowish film? Welcome to pollen season in San Antonio

28 April 2020, Saxony, Leipzig: Pollen and fine pollen on a car. Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa-Zentralbild/ZB (Photo by Sebastian Willnow/picture alliance via Getty Images)

picture alliance/dpa/picture alliance via Getty I

Have you checked your car recently? If so, you’ve probably noticed a yellow, dusty film covering your vehicle. That, my friend, is pollen and it’s annoying. 

According to an allergy report by Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgery Center and Allergy/Immunology Research Lab, the pollen count is expected to be high for the rest of the week. The good news is that pollen season is almost over. It generally peaks mid-April.

However, the ice storm Texas saw back in February could be a reason why next month could be even more miserable for allergy sufferers. One Texas doctor told the Houston Chronicle they typically see higher tree pollen counts around early March. He says that was delayed when last month’s ice storm killed trees and vegetation across the Lone Star state.

READ ALSO: San Antonio among Top 20 again for worst place to live with allergies, report says

“April could bring a combination of heavy tree pollen in addition to grass pollen that spikes this time each year, causing sore throats and headaches for those with allergies,” the Houston Chronicle reported.

So what does that mean? Well, lets just say you better keep your tissues handy if you’re an allergy sufferer. Experts also recommend showering after being outdoors or at least change your clothes. 

As for your car, a single grain of pollen can cause some damage to your car’s paint job, according to meteorologist Josh Linker. 

“Pollen has a high acidity that erodes paint,” he said in an online blog. “When a grain of pollen lands in one of the tiny pores of your car’s paint, it wears it down. This can lead to staining and early oxidation of the paint.” 

He suggests washing your car. 

“By the time we get to the middle of April, new pollen will no longer form and drop on your car. That might be the time to give your car a good wash.”

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