UTSA and other San Antonio colleges plan return to in-person classes

After beginning the spring semester virtually, students at the University of Texas at San Antonio are scheduled to make a return to in-person learning on Monday, February 7. The announcement was made on Friday to students and staff via email from University President Taylor Eighmy, along with other members of school leadership. 

“As we continue monitoring local COVID-19 trends, we are eagerly anticipating the return to in-person learning and our many spring semester traditions and experiences,” reads a copy of the statement published in UTSA Today.

On January 6, an announcement was first made about the modified start to the semester, crediting rising cases in COVID-19.

UTSA is not the only local center for higher learning that has pushed back in-person learning. 

Alamo Colleges District began spring semester remotely, with most classes moving online from January 18 through the 29, with students expected return to campus Monday, February 7. 

San Antonio’s Trinity University also took measures at the beginning of the semester to mitigate the spread of new virus variants by extending winter break with classes beginning Monday, January 31. 

Our Lady of the Lake University held most spring semester classes online through January 23, while St. Mary’s University delayed all classes until Monday, January 24 — with the exception of courses in its law school, which returned on January 10. University of Incarnate Word classes returned to campus Monday, January 31. 

Across the state, other universities that previously altered semester start times are also returning back to the classrooms. 

At the University of Texas at Austin, some students are making the return to campus on Monday, January 31. University leadership initially requested that faculty teach remotely for the first two weeks of the semester, from Tuesday, January 18 through Friday, January 28. 

Leadership at Texas State University announced a similar plan to UT-Austin on January 14, with two weeks of online classes, ending on Monday, January 31. 

For more local COVID-19 related coverage, keep up with MySA.com

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