Two Point Campus Appears On Microsoft Store, And It Looks Rather Bonkers

Two Point Campus Art© SEGA / Two Point Studios

Two Point Hospital has proven to be quite a success, luring in players with nostalgia for the classic Theme Hospital alongside younger gamers that simply enjoy the goofy customisation and fun times it offers. It also has SEGA on publishing duty, which has no doubt helped developer Two Point Games to keep working on all those DLCs – a Jumbo Edition recently arrived at retail for Switch.

Now, courtesy of the most useful of resources for learning about new games – accidental Microsoft Store listings – we know what’s next from the studio. Two Point Campus has appeared in that listing, and though there’s no release date the likelihood is that it’s not too far away. It is worth noting that this doesn’t confirm a Switch version, but considering the popularity of Two Point Hospital on the system a port seems like a reasonable bet.

As the name suggests you’ll be creating and running a University, but of course there’ll be twists to the formula. Part of the description and a couple of screens are below.

Two Point Campus© SEGA / Two Point Studios
Two Point Campus 2© SEGA / Two Point Studios

Rather than typical academic fare, students in Two Point County enjoy a range of wild and wonderful courses: from Knight School (hey, we all have to learn jousting at some point in our lives), to the salivatory Gastronomy, where your students will build mouth-watering concoctions like giant pizzas and enormous pies.

Take advantage of the opportunity to spend way more time with the little people in your university. The academic year begins with a summer break, giving you enough time to get everything looking great before your students move in.

Build libraries, hire the best staff (from eccentric professors to madcap researchers), kit your campus out with the best courses and watch the academic potential of your students get unlocked!

But it’s not just work hard. Get to know your students, explore their individual personalities, wants and needs. Keep them happy with clubs, societies, gigs.

Here’s hoping it’s not too far away, and that perhaps this time the Switch can get its version around the same time as the game’s launch elsewhere. Let us know what you think in the comments!

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