This RGV police department has a window tint ‘Enforcer’ and thousands are laughing 

If you’re driving through the Rio Grande Valley, be sure to have the legal tint limit, because Mission Police Department has nifty new meter readers to check the darkness.

The official city government Facebook page alerted drivers that the meters are on the roads to check the darkness of car tint. What was intended to be a warning elicited more than 4,000 laugh reactions.

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“Mission Police Department will be checking out tint on your vehicle’s front windows,” the March 19 post reads. “The department recently purchased Tint Meter Readers, so make sure you’re legal.”

The gadget is called the “Enforcer II,” sold for about $100 on Amazon.

Judging by the comments, residents feel there are other issues hat need addressing. Some called it a ploy to make money. Others argued dark tint could pose as a danger to police officers when pulling over drivers.

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Still, the jokes ensued.

“I’m sure the residents of Mission can sleep a lot better now that they know dark tint is off the streets,” one person replied.

The jokes continued on the police department’s separate Facebook page after a graphic was posted to encourage safe driving.

“I can’t drive safely. The sun is too bright,” another person said.

If you’re planning on driving through Mission, you should know that the Texas Department of Public Safety’s ruling on tint is that the front windows must have more than 25 percent light transmission.

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