This is why NFL has no plans to discipline Deshaun Watson

The NFL has not taken any action against Deshaun Watson over numerous allegations of sexual assault, and it sounds like none is coming right now. The reason for that, as it turns out, is quite simple.

According to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk, the NFL is content to avoid making a decision on Watson’s playing status unless it has to do so. The Houston Texans have, in a way, taken it out of the league’s hands. Watson is content not to play, and the Texans are content to keep him on the bench while paying him. Fundamentally, that’s exactly what putting him on the Commissioner’s Exempt list would have done anyway. In other words, Watson is for all intents and purposes already on paid leave.

Florio notes that the situation could change if Watson is traded, which is a significant risk any team trading for the quarterback would have to assume.

Watson had demanded a trade before the allegations became public. The Texans have been noncommittal about Watson’s playing status, but it certainly seems likely that he’ll be sitting on the bench as long as he’s with Houston.

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