This Incredibly Cute ‘Pokémon Grassy Gardening’ Collection Combines Pokémon And Horticulture

Pokémon Grassy Gardening

If you think Grass-type Pokémon are underrated, or you’ve been trying to grow your green thumb over the pandemic, then you will most likely be the target audience for the new Pokémon Grassy Gardening collection.

They have pot-plant plushies:

Pokémon Grassy Gardening
Pokémon Grassy Gardening

A Squirtle watering can, and a small vase tended to by Pikachu and Bulbasaur:

Bags and baskets for all your gardening tools:

An apron and some slippers:

And some tiny plant pots and plant markers to help you remember what you’re trying to grow:

Although it’s Japan-only for now, you know the drill: the collection is available on import websites.

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