Texas park agrees on identity of mystery creature in Rio Grande Valley

Texas State Park officials believe they know what animal is in this photo.

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

After a photo of a mysterious animal went viral last week, officials with the Rio Grande Valley park say they might have figured out the identity of the creature. Park officials with the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park in Mission, Texas, updated its original post on Facebook Saturday, April 8, saying they agree with the guess of most people in the comments. 

Park officials originally posted a blurry, night-vision photo of an animal caught on a trail camera. The photo shows the animal hunched over on all fours. Texas being Texas, people in the comments jokingly claimed it was another Chupacabra sighting, the goat-sucking beast from Puerto Rican folklore that spread through Central America and the United States.

What do park officials think of the animal?

“We agree with most of the comments that this is very likely an American badger,” the post says. 

Park officials add that this is not to be confused with the Honey Badger that lives in Africa and Asia that is “is rumored to not care very much.” Park officials also say its not clear where exactly the photo was taken, only that it was in the Rio Grande Valley, which is part of the American badger’s “natural range.”

Other people in the comments thought it was an otter, an Andean Bear, a capybara, the rare jaguarundi, and Kid Rock trying to find some beer.

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