Supreme Court boosts equity by killing Biden’s student-debt power grab

No rational person ever had any real doubt that President Biden’s student-loan-forgiveness jubilee — an executive-branch power grab and massive bribe to an influential Dem constituency all in one — was illegal and unconstitutional. 

Now, the Supreme Court has confirmed that, in fact, the executive branch lacks the power to declare countless contracts null and void. 

As Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, such a plan requires that “Congress speak clearly before a department secretary can unilaterally alter large sections of the American economy.”

This was so obvious that even Dem stalwart then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the same thing in 2021 (before she got the message and walked her words back).

Wisdom Cole
The Supreme Court has confirmed that the executive branch lacks the power to declare countless contracts null and void.
Getty Images

The federal Department of Education also agreed.

Now the high court has at last officially rejected Team Biden’s pretext, the blatant misuse of the HEROES Act — which was meant to provide loan relief for active-duty military.

The White House claimed that the COVID emergency somehow justified stretching its HEROES powers to apply to basically anyone: transparent nonsense rendered all the more nonsensical when Biden declared that emergency over in April. 

Wisdom Cole
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, such a plan requires that “Congress speak clearly before a department secretary can unilaterally alter large sections of the American economy.”

The plan was a massive upwards transfer of wealth, requiring taxpayers to foot the $400 billion-plus bill for forgiveness — and so taking money from waitresses and truck drivers to hand to doctors and lawyers. 

The tantrum among lefties has already begun, with Sen. Liz Warren screeching that the “the president has more tools to cancel student debt — and he must use them.”

No, he must not — and the congressional GOP along with sensible Dems must use all their powers to make sure he doesn’t.

President Joe Biden
The plan required taxpayers to foot the $400 billion-plus bill for forgiveness.

Student-debt forgiveness, like so many marquee progressive policies, increases social inequities while pretending to remedy them.

So that the Supremes struck down Biden’s power grab down is good for the less-well-off and social justice, as well as for the rule of law. 

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