Spurs player Patty Mills to help launch San Antonio’s inaugural domestic violence symposium

Spurs guard Patty Mills is set to help launch San Antonio’s inaugural domestic violence symposium later this month.

The Collaborative Commission on Domestic Violence was launched last year in response to increases in domestic violence. The plan, which was developed by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, the Department of Human Services and the San Antonio Police Department, approaches domestic violence as a public health issue rather than a law enforcement one. A year later, the CCDV is hosting a virtual symposium Oct. 29-30, which is free and open to the public.

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Mills will serve as the opening speaker at the event that will also feature nationally-renowned speakers.

“Professionals in the legal and nonprofit sectors are invited to learn from and interact with the experts in the field considering the increase in domestic violence incidences during the COVID-19 pandemic,” CCDV says online.

The San Antonio Police Department reported an 18 percent increase in family violence calls in March, when stay-at-home orders first went into effect.

In May, Mills launched a Mother’s Day giving campaign called “#GiveMamaCoffee,” which encouraged residents to buy drinks or merchandise from eight local coffees shops. Mills pledged to match and double the sales from each, bringing the grand total raised to $103,965. The funds were donated to the Women and Children’s Shelter of San Antonio to benefit domestic violence victims.

This isn’t the first time Mills has worked with the city on public health initiatives. In April he starred in a public service announcement in which he encouraged residents to continue safe practices to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The symposium will be hosted online,  from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 29 and  from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Oct. 30. Those interested in attending can register for free here.

Madalyn Mendoza covers news and puro pop culture for MySA.com | [email protected] | @maddyskye

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