Spurs: It’s time for Gregg Popovich to make up his mind

Gregg Popovich (Photo by Ronald Cortes/Getty Images)

Anyone who knows me personally would describe me as one of the more optimistic followers of the San Antonio Spurs they know. After all, I was around for all five of their championships, and as I’ve said often in previous articles, my entire mindset about the team changed after the 2014 revenge tour title. I covered why extensively in my letter about how the Spurs altered the course of my whole life throughout their 20 years of dominance.

Essentially, after that last championship, I stopped losing sleep over everyday losses, bad front office moves, and the like. That said, as the optimist I am, I must say this: This team sucks right now. It’s just not good. San Antonio has now lost seven of their last nine, with six of those losses in front of a home crowd.

Is there a single person to blame? Of course not. There never is just one. Everyone has had a hand in the disappointment that has been the recent homestand. From the time everyone but Derrick White went cold from three against Atlanta to Rudy Gay playing hero-ball against Sacramento, the entire roster has had its struggles.

I recently addressed some players that need to adapt to changing defenses, such as Keldon Johnson, who responded in a big way against Indiana. My colleague also discussed at length how an overreliance on veterans could be stunting this team’s growth. After the most recent loss, it’s time to address the man himself: Gregg Popovich.


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