SAPD releases body camera video and memo after Black jogger mistaken for domestic violence suspect

San Antonio police Chief William McManus said he found no wrong doing after two officers arrested a Black jogger last week.

In a memo released by SAPD, the chief said the two officers acted within their legal authority and in a professional manner.

On Aug. 25, officers were searching for a man suspected of hitting and choking a woman on the North Side who had fled from the scene.

They came across 33-year-old Mathias Ometu who was jogging and allegedly matched the suspect’s description.

When the officers attempted to talk with Ometu he refused to give police any identifying information and they detained him. Officers said when they tried to put Ometu inside the patrol vehicle, he kicked at officers.

McManus said Ometu was “immediately uncooperative and antagonistic.” He also said the officers were trying to detain Ometu to take him back to the victim’s apartment to determine if he was the suspect.

On Tuesday, McManus said he released the officers’ body camera footage to the public in an effort of transparency.

“I fully understand that the public has questions and concerns on this matter given the media attention it has already received and the heightened awareness of racial injustice,” he said.

McManus also said the department is working with the District Attorney’s Office to “facilitate a possible discussion with Ometu so we can share the perspectives of what occurred and hopefully bridge the gap of trust and communication that clearly exists.”

The DA has said he will decide whether to proceed with charges filed against Ometu.

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