Saints Row’s first major update will prioritise fixes and improvements over new content

Developer Volition has detailed its Saints Row reboot’s first major update, saying that while it would have “preferred to be talking about roadmaps and expansions” at this juncture, it will initially be prioritising “improvements over new features”.

Saints Row released to a middling reception in August, with its enjoyable open-world zaniness rather dampened by its considerable number of bugs. It’s these that Volition hopes to address in its first major post-launch update in November, explaining in a new blog post, “We know there is still work to do to improve your experience in the game.”

“We are supporting Saints Row for the long-term,” it insisted, “and while we’d have preferred to be talking about roadmaps and expansions, right now we feel the focus must be on telling you how we’re going to improve the… experience for all players in 2022 and beyond.”

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