Rob Gronkowski reveals incredible reaction to his cryptic tweet

Rob Gronkowski sent out a rather ambiguous tweet on Wednesday that sparked immediate speculation that he was looking into an NFL comeback. The tweet was cryptic enough that it set off alarm bells even within the NFL.

Gronkowski appeared on FanduelTV’s “Up and Adams” podcast Thursday and was asked by host Kay Adams whether he got any calls from teams after the tweet. Amazingly, the answer was yes.

“Two teams reached out since the tweet. It was unbelievable,” Gronkowski said. “I won’t say who, but there was two teams. It was pretty nuts to me that everyone actually saw the tweet. It shows how far social media can go and how quick it can travel.

“It was just mindblowing, actually, how my agent hit me up. Two teams hit me up. My friends actually were hitting me up, too. They were like, ‘Bro, are you really going back to football? I don’t see that happening.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, man, you know I’m not.’”

Come on, Gronk. You can’t possibly be surprised that people took a cryptic tweet and ran with it. Of course, it turned out to be nothing, but if it was intriguing enough that NFL teams actually checked in, the rest of the world was justified in its reaction.

Gronkowski left the door open to a return in 2023, though that seems unlikely. He did make clear he will not be back in 2022.

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