Random: Fan Manages To Run Genshin Impact On Switch Thanks To Android Emulator

Where’s the official port, huh?

When Genshin Impact was first released back in 2020, you would be forgiven for thinking that it would be a dead cert that the open-world RPG (*cough* Breath of the Wild clone *cough*) would be making its way to Switch at some point in the future. You would be right, it will come to Switch at some point in the future… probably.

Tired of waiting for updates, one fan on Reddit has taken the porting process into their own hands and has managed to get a version of the game up and just about running on the Nintendo console. In the video (thanks, GameRant) you can see u/wingsofthygiant managing to load up the title on Switch and, after a pretty meaty loading time, even run around a little.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

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