PtR’s inaugural Daily Open Thread

PtR’s inaugural Daily Open Thread

Your one-stop comment spot for all things Spurs

Do you ever have a comment to make about your beloved Spurs and there is just no post apropos to your idea? Did you find the perfect picture of Pop making a face that says it all and have nowhere to embed it? Have you solved that problem involving those pesky NBA teams that keep the Spurs from total dominance? Well, fret no longer, dear reader. Today, Pounding the Rock launches the Daily Open Thread, your forum for all random Spurs and NBAcomments.

Feel free to comment on any piece of Spurs news and/or start your own conversation in the comments section. Our community guidelines apply which should remind everyone to be cool, avoid personal attacks, not to troll and to watch the curse words (I have a four-year-old and she hears EVERYTHING).

Monday, November 27, 2017- Obviously the big Spurs news of the day centers around Tony Parker suiting up and playing minutes tonight in front of the hometown crowd against our rivals from Dallas. Feel free to comment on Tony, tonight’s game, or anything else that you’d like to introduce to the Thread. It’s your page, so have at it!

Source: Pounding The Rock

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