Platinum Seems To Have Explained Why It’s So Quiet About Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 2

In the same interview with VGC the other week, PlatinumGames’ co-founders Atsushi Inaba and Hideki Kamiya used the company’s upcoming self-published title Project G.G. to seemingly touch on why it’s been so quiet about certain other releases.

With these other games – like Bayonetta 3, for example – it all comes down to the publisher’s approach. In the case of Bayonetta 3, the publisher is Nintendo. When it’s something like Project G.G. though, Kamiya explains how Platinum can essentially share whatever it wants, whenever it wants (without getting in trouble):

“Also, since we’re self-publishing [Project G.G.], there are no publishers to get mad at me this time, so I’ll be sharing things online, putting up screenshots whenever I like…”

When it comes down to other titles (again, let’s use Bayonetta 3), it’s simply not Platinum’s decision to make. In saying this, Inaba notes how the company respects whatever approach other publishers want to take:

“We don’t have that much say over projects that we’re not publishing. And we understand different titles require different approaches, so we respect the publisher’s decisions.”

“So if there is a difference between what we want to do with Project G.G. versus what we normally do with our other titles, it’s not really a criticism for those publishers: we respect their approaches. But for this title especially, our approach as a company is that we’re hoping to be more open.”

So, in terms of Project G.G., you can expect to see and hear more than you might normally get from Platinum when it’s working on a game published by another company.

Could this be the reason why Platinum has been so tight-lipped about Bayonetta 3? Is this why Kamiya keeps on telling fans it’s going “very well” all the time? To be fair, in the same interview, he even said a potential 2021 update about the game wasn’t really Platinum’s “position to say”.

What do you make of the above responses? Do you think Platinum has been told by Nintendo to not say a thing about Bayonetta 3 and it can’t even tell us that? You know, so Nintendo can eventually do some sort of surprise announcement and break the internet… Share your own thoughts down below.

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