Open Thread: Remembering Manu Ginobili’s retirement ceremony

Photos by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images

His #20 went up one year ago.

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since the San Antonio Spurs retired Manu Ginobili’s jersey, but this weekend marked the anniversary.

In a season that could be described as lackluster, the presence of the spirited Argentinian was sorely missed.

Since then, Tony Parker has retired and had his celebration as well.

The fact is that there is no other like Manu. An infinite amount of posts and celebrations will never pinpoint the exact moment that defined his career because there were simply too many.

But last March, those years came together in one majestic night through teammates from his storied NBA and international career as they sent #20 into the rafters for all to see.

The arena was packed with #20 jerseys, fans from all over, Argentinian flags, and the same merriment that accompanied his final season. At halftime, teammates from Ginobili’s Argentinian national team took center court for a Spanish Q&A. The Spurs won (I think, they had to right?) and then the lights went down before the ceremony began.

I was fortunate enough to attend the game and the ceremony that followed.

Just a little something to brighten your Monday.

Stay safe, be well, and share your favorite Manu story below.

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Open Thread: Remembering Manu Ginobili’s retirement ceremony
Open Thread: Remembering Manu Ginobili’s retirement ceremony

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