Jerry Jones Openly Showed The Media The Cowboys’ Draft Rankings

The Athletic’s Jon Machota tweeted a video of Jones showing their draft board to the press.

He did it to prove they had a higher rank for offensive tackle Tyler Smith over Kenyon Green and Zion Johnson.

But realizing the mistake, his son Stephen said, “Don’t show them that. … Put that sheet down.”

Information Is King During The Draft

While the older Jones showed the sheet for only a few seconds, its information is sacred.

Likewise, today’s technology could allow tech experts to decipher what’s in the paper.

The Cowboys will be at a disadvantage if other teams know what’s on their board.

A team interested in the same player but has an earlier pick could play mind games with them.

They could either initiate a trade with the Cowboys to get more picks or mess up Dallas’ strategy by selecting the player they want.

Keeping other teams guessing makes it easier to call out their bluff if they try to get out of an unfavorable situation.

Luckily for the Cowboys, the length of exposure wouldn’t be enough to put their draft approach at risk.

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