Insane: Biden is running for ‘24 on his disastrous economic record

Wow: President Joe Biden’s managers are so deep in their bubble that they sent him on a nationwide tour to boast about the results of Bidenomics.

Expect an epic lesson in the perils of believing your own bull.

“Bidenomics is about the future. Bidenomics is just another way of saying: ‘Restore the American Dream’ because it worked before,” the president read off the TelePrompTer as he kicked off in Chicago last week.

Oops: Independence Day brought a poll that shows growing numbers of Americans say success is out of reach and America is no longer the “land of opportunity” — a full 24%, up from 18% just a year ago.

Tellingly, that’s 31% of those with only a high-school diploma, vs. 16% of ones with a college degree.

Hmm. Maybe that’s because real wages have fallen every month since Democrats rammed through Biden’s signature “American Rescue Plan” soon after he took office.

In all, hourly compensation is down 5%.

And soaring costs of living have hit the average family for over $10,000, per the nonpartisan Joint Economic Committee: Inflation is up a total of 16% in the 30 months since Biden took the oath of office.

Jerome Powell
Fed chief Jerome Powell said, “The process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go” as he refuses to rule out more interest hikes.

The dream of homeownership? Mortgage rates have gone from 2.8% to 6.7%, while home prices are up 22%.

Oh, and the Census Bureau reports that income inequality is rising for the first time since 2011.

Meanwhile, Biden’s adding economy-killing regulations at a record pace, another 10-grand-per-household hit.

Hilariously, the prez is bragging that inflation is down by half from its peak — but it’s still twice what it was when he took over.

And it’s Federal Reserve interest-rate hikes that have brought it down, prompting the three of the four largest bank failures in US history (with Biden ensuring that high-end investors and depositors got held harmless!) and cramping the business investment that’s crucial to future job-creation.

Yet Fed chief Jerome Powell says, “The process of getting inflation back down to 2% has a long way to go” as he refuses to rule out more interest hikes.

Biden seems to think he can get Americans to ignore their own “lived experiences” by uttering a host of whoppers about his record and denouncing all GOP alternative ideas as “trickle down.”

Yet all Bidenomics amounts to is tossing trillions at Democratic special interests: green subsidies (paired with a war on fossil-fuel industries), other tax breaks for select corporations willing to accept pro-union strings and so on. How is that not “trickle down” — at best?

His economic job-approval rating is stuck down at 36%, another record, for excellent reasons.

And all Biden’s “you’ve never had it so good” blarney will never turn it around.

The only reason we can figure for Biden’s handlers making this his central re-election theme is that they looked at the rest of his record, from the border to his Afghan bugout and China appeasement, and decided this was the easiest excrement to shine.

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