Here’s your first look at Monster Hunter Wilds, coming in 2025

Here's your first look at Monster Hunter Wilds, coming in 2025

Well, the good news is a new Monster Hunter’s on the way – hooray! The bad news is we’ll have to wait until 2025 play it – boo. Still, we do at least get an atmospheric teaser trailer to scrutinise until Capcom is ready to reveal more.

So what can we expect to see in Monster Hunter Wilds, as the “next generation” of the series is known? Well, starting off in a dusty desert world, the trailer shows off some large migrating herds of smaller creatures – far more dense than anything we’ve really seen before in the series – as well as a new bird-like mode of transport for Hunters.

We get vast swirling sandstorms, violent storms raining lightning down upon the earth as creatures rampage, and, well, that’s about it for the moment – although I’m sure more eagle-eyed fans will have picked the whole thing more thoroughly apart by the morning.

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