Here’s what early voting in Texas looks like during an election unlike any other

It’s safe to say there’s never been an election season like this one. Interest in voting is sky high in Texas, and early voters, given an extra week to cast their ballots, have turned out in force during a pandemic that finds most Texans socially-distanced and masked as they wait their turn. Many others have voted from their cars, mailed in or dropped off their mail-in ballots even as legal battles over these methods played out.

Since the first day of early voting on Oct. 13, Texas Tribune photographers have ventured out all over the state, capturing people waiting to have their say. If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time — early voting ends Oct. 30, and Election Day is Nov. 3. If you have questions about voting, the Tribune is here to help, and if you encounter any problems while voting, we want to hear from you.

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