Here is what protesters in San Antonio are demanding of Mayor Nirenberg. This is how he’s responded.

For the last two weeks, thousands have turned in San Antonio to protest against police brutality in the wake of George Floyd ‘s death while in Minneapolis police custody. Local advocates are also using this opportunity to demand police reform.

Last week. protest organizers handed Mayor Ron Nirenberg a list of demands and changes they want implemented in the San Antonio Police Department, including the vetting of recruits and a civilian review board to assist with police complaints.

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Nirenberg seemed receptive to the demands, promising to set up a meeting with Pharoah Clark, the leader of Uniting America Through Wisdom, a group active in the weeks-long protests.

The mayor then got on the microphone and spoke directly to the protesters.

“Hold me accountable for it,” Nirenberg said, asking the crowd to forgive past mistakes. “Because I’m the mayor of this goddamn city, and we’re going to make changes together.”

A spokesman with Nirenberg’s office said the mayor has had three different meetings with organizers since being given the demands.

RELATED: Timeline: Nirenberg handed ‘list of demands’ on sixth day of S.A. protests

The list of demands made to Nirenberg are below:

  1. We the people demand that a zero tolerance policy be issued on racism and discrimination in all police departments, jails and court houses.
  2. We the people demand that an independent civilian review board be formed with complete access to police complaints and power to issue disciplinary actions against violators.
  3. We the people demand that all officers involved in the unarmed killing of civilians that are deemed to be unjustified be terminated immediately from duty without pay or legal representation at the taxpayer’s expense and lose their police pension pay.
  4. We the people demand that a newly revised clear rules of engagement be issued to the police departments with a zero-tolerance policy for violators
  5. We the people demand that a minimum of $250,000 be paid to the family of any unarmed civilian that is killed unlawfully by any police officer.
  6. We the people demand an end to no-knock warrants, except in special circumstances.
  7. We the people demand a more diverse police force that accurately represent the community that they intend to patrol and protect.
  8. We the people demand the city create a website devoted to 100 percent transparency on all police brutality and police complaints of any kind.
  9. We the people demand that all current and future recruits be vetted and polygraphed for racist ideology and discrimination.

In a memo sent to the San Antonio City Council on Thursday, Nirenberg said that the city can’t rely on policing to “supplement a lack of investment” in the communities and residents, calling for the city council to adopt a resolution ahead of the next San Antonio Police Officer Association collective bargaining agreement that better outlines the community’s priorities. This resolution includes officer disciplinary procedures and a healthier balance of the city’s budget.

In addition, Nirenberg said he wants to create a public platform to address public safety, community health and equity and intergovernmental relations. These platforms include reviewing community policing programs, use of force policies and mental health de-escalation measures as well as developing legislation that addresses public safety unions, qualified immunity and transparency in officer personnel records.

Taylor Pettaway is a breaking news and general assignment reporter for | [email protected] | @TaylorPettaway

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