Halloween candy bars with Trump 2024 stickers given out in Texas neighborhood

While kids of all ages will forever make a big fuss about houses that give out full-size candy bars on Halloween, trick-or-treaters of one Texas neighborhood scored big thanks to one politically-motivated home. An unidentified Texas home went all out with regular candy bars and added stickers supporting former President Donald Trump to give out this holiday.

On Monday night, October 31, one Texan went to Reddit to share a picture of their trick-or-treating haul in Fort Worth, which included two candy bars with the Trump stickers. On a Butterfinger, a sticker reads “President Trump” and features a black and white drawing of the 45th president wearing red sunglasses inspired by the American flag (as well as the white stars on the blue background).

The sticker on the Hershey’s chocolate bar with whole almonds (now that’s quite the expense), meanwhile, includes an illustration of Trump kissing the American flag and says “Trump 2024” and “Save America Again.”

The stickers are no doubt a means of the household showing their unwavering support for Trump. Still, fellow Texans on Reddit couldn’t help but make some interesting points.

“Given to kids who can’t vote and then empty wrappers will be thrown in the trash. That’s the exact level of planning I’d expect,” brought up u/wildadragon.

“Someone took the time to do this,” u/shoeshouuu said.

Some had their mix of jokes.

“Scariest Halloween post I’ve seen all night,” quipped u/zheshelman.

“Thanks but I’d rather have razor blades in the candy,” joked u/generic-affliction.

“If any candy needed a PSA warning it’s these,” stated u/Angeljls.

“Fox News was right! They are poisoning Halloween candy,” teased u/Sad_Literature_8657.

“Do the candy wrappers have to be scary too nowadays?” sassed u/mathieub93.

Others had their commentary on the stickers themselves, obviously.

“I’m sure the 8 year olds voting illegally for the Republican Party will be swayed,” sassed u/CaptainStadt.

“I confess I would still accept a full sized candy bar even with the Trump sticker,” admitted u/O_Geeky_One.

“It’s hilarious how Trump totally molesting the American flag in a not at all creepy way is somehow something they’re proud of and are using it to promote his run in 2024,” states u/InflamedLiver.

Don’t forget to check your candy, parents.

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