GI Picks – Five Things To Do Outside Of Games This Weekend

Starting today and running every Friday, I’m asking five Game Informer staffers to fill you in on something they hope to do this weekend. These recommendations can be anything, but they just can’t be about video games. You may learn of a new recipe to cook up, a show to binge, or learn of the best camping spot in the Midwest. Along with giving you fun and interesting things to do over the next few days, I hope these lists let you get to know the Game Informer staff better. You’re not just hearing from editors, either. Everyone – from designers to coders – will be offering recommendations.

And we’d like to hear your pick as well. Leave a short description of something you are doing this weekend in the chat section below, and we’ll be sure to read it and potentially investigate further. Here’s hoping your weekend is filled with fun and laughter, and you come back next Friday feeling fulfilled and looking for more great stuff to do!

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