Former Buccaneers OL Ian Beckles blasts Tom Brady over missing walk-through for wedding

Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers offensive lineman Ian Beckles, now a media personailty, is the latest to blast Tom Brady for missing a team walk-through to attend the wedding of New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft last Friday.

“Since when is Tom Brady missing a Saturday night meeting?” Beckles asked during the latest edition of the “In the Trenches” podcast, per the Joe Bucs Fan website. “He’s at Robert Kraft’s wedding. Are you f—— kidding me? Robert Kraft’s wedding? Since when is this s— not important to him? This is during the season. We are 3-2 [before the game at the Pittsburgh Steelers] and you are going to Robert Kraft’s wedding? Bill Belichick didn’t go to Robert Kraft’s wedding. For what? You are not a Patriot anymore. Stop it!”

Brady and the Buccaneers lost to the Steelers 20-18 to fall to 3-3 on the season. The seven-time Super Bowl champion completed 25-of-40 passes for 243 yards with one touchdown in that defeat. 

Beckles also reacted to what’s become a viral clip of Brady screaming at his offensive linemen on the sidelines in Pittsburgh. 

“If you are not giving 195%, you better not get in my face,” Beckles said. “And I’m not sure Tom Brady is giving 195% right now.” 

Retired offensive tackle and two-time First-Team All-Pro Andrew Whitworth is also among those who have criticized Brady for attending Kraft’s wedding on a fall Friday shortly before an NFL game. 

Meanwhile, Brady and the Buccaneers will attempt to return to winning ways when they play at the 1-5 Carolina Panthers Sunday. 

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