Dragon Quest XII: The Flames Of Fate Officially Announced

Dragon Quest XII Logo© Square Enix

The Dragon Quest 35th anniversary live stream has just concluded and while it was packed out with six announcements, the highlight of the lot was arguably the very ending of the show – revealing the name and logo for the next entry in the mainline series.

It’s called Dragon Quest XII and the subtitle translates to “The Flames of Fate“. Details are limited right now, but according to series creator Yuji Horii, it’ll be a much “darker” and adult-themed take on the long-running JRPG series. Players can apparently look forward to some decision-making as well:

“it’s about having options you have to take some options… you have to choose your own way of how to play…you’re in control of the game or your life…”

A few other aspects of the game are also changing, including command battles. They’re still in the prototype stages right now, which suggests the game could still be a while off. No release date or platforms have been revealed for DQXII just yet, but Horii says there’ll be more updates in the future and that it should be a simultaneous worldwide release.

Are you excited for the next chapter in the Dragon Quest series? Leave a comment down below.

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