Collin County challenger claims Judge Chris Hill slapped him in courthouse

In a statement released online, late Monday, November 7, Murray alleges that the Republican incumbent Hill slapped him following a heated Commissioners Court meeting a day before Election Day. According to Murray, the assault occurred after he had left the courtroom and was on his way to his car before realizing he left his glasses in the building. 

Murray’s release goes on to say that upon re-entering the courtroom, Hill, “said some words” to him before walking over and pushing the Democratic incumbent aggressively and slapping him across the face with an open hand.

After the incident, Murray states he called 911 call at 2:23 p.m. on Monday to file a written police report with the Collin County Sheriff’s Office. In the release, he states that law enforcement are investigating the manner now. 

According to The D, Hill commented on Murray’s campaign page with a copy of the contempt order and his general statement on the incident. 

“I make my public comments and leave when the meeting is adjourned. I forget my sunglasses and had to re-enter the courtroom at least seven minutes or so after the court had been adjourned,” he said. “When I re-entered the courtroom, Judge Hill engaged me in conversation from across the room.”

According to the reports, Hill served Murray with the contempt charge while the Collin County Judge was filling out his own statement with officers. 

A spokesperson with the Collin County Sheriff’s Office has since confirmed that the office received a complaint about the alleged assault, according to The D.

This wasn’t the first time that things grew heated between Hill and Murray. Back in May of 2021 during a Commissioners meeting, Hill found Murray in contempt for, what he said at the time, disrupting a court meeting. Murray claimed that he went a few seconds over the 3 minutes allotted to each public speaker.

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