England star drops huge hint about Arsenal move

Aston Villa star Jack Grealish has opened the door to a summer transfer to Arsenal, leaving Villa fans bewildered and unhappy

The floppy-haired, giant-calved attacking midfielder has been a sensation for his club this season, dazzling the Premier League with 12 assists and 7 goals, and it now looks as if he could be plying his trade at the Emirates next year.

Grealish, 25, dropped a what appeared to be teaser to Gunners boss Mikel Arteta when he liked a post on Instagram by the Danish toy company Lego.

The Arsenal boss is said by many fans to have ‘Lego hair’, and many are seeing this as Grealish opening the door to working with the Spaniard, swapping claret and blue red and white.

Some Villa fans have been left furious by what they see as a blatant piece of ‘come and get me’ action from their captain. User ‘The Ghost of Ron Saunders’, whose bio reads ‘Villa. Villa. Villa. Protect the NHS. Love Boris. Dogs. Power tools. Speedboats. The Wife. The kids (only two of them are mine anyway). In that order’, posted:

When contacted, Grealish denied there was anything untoward about his Instagram action, insisting he simply liked Lego. Asked what he liked to do with it most, he said, “Building walls.”

But, it looks as if he’s going to have to build some bridges with Villa fans who remain not best pleased with his social media activity, and unconvinced that a famous North London swoop isn’t on the cards.

Massive Gunners transfer likely after sleuths uncover interview innuendo

A footballer who is currently on loan at a club has said that he will make his mind up about his future at the end of the season.

Taking great pains not to commit to anything at all, the player issued bland replies in interviews in his home country about the possibility of staying with the club that owns him, or the club for which he is playing temporarily.

He insisted that he would continue to give 100% for the loan club, and come the summer will sit down and discuss his options with calm, consideration given how important a point in his career it will be.

However, a 14 year old from Venezuela has uncovered a fiendishly intricate detail which may provide hope to fans who want the deal to be made permanent. In a 16 Tweet Twitter thread, he outlined how, if you take the first word from every sentence, but sometimes the third or the sixth or the nineteenth word, and then take the first letter from those words, it spells out ‘BUM SWITCH’.

Bum is another word for Arse, which is short for Arsenal, and Switch could mean transfer. Gaining 34,000 followers in just a matter of hours, the whizzkid Internet gumshoe also posted pictures of the player’s plane, then the player’s car, then the player’s house, then a close-up selfie of the player sleeping in his own bed.

“KING!”, replied Twitter user Bob Stabs, while others expressed some concerns that this could be considered dangerous, predatory behaviour.

“Relax guys!”, said the stalker OG user, “It’s not as if I have a knife. Well … not a big one anyway, LOL!”

Meanwhile, local police have issued an APB after the player failed to turn up for training earlier today.

Striker set for “inverted commas” as top side outline project

Reports from Italian publication “Gazzetta della Stronzate” have linked an Arsenal player with a summer move and set a world record in use of inverted commas in the process.

The player is a “dream” for the Serie A side but the “project is complicated” because he “needs to feel love”. Italian football is “a serious consideration” but “contract issues remain” between him and his current club, with a “dispute over bonus payments” adding another “layer of complication”.

The agent is “notoriously difficult” and the club want “an impossible fee” but it is hoped that “a payment plan” can be “considered” because the player has “immense dissatisfaction” with his “current situation” and wants to “rekindle his international career” “as” “soon” “as” “possible”.

High level discussions take place in audio format

Which is to say, there’s a brand new Arsecast for you below, chatting to James Benge and Clive Palmer about Partey, Odegaard, Arteta’s project, and much more. Happy listening!

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