CHRIS SUTTON: Liverpool and Man City deserve credit for joining mouthguard trial

Well done to Liverpool and Manchester City for putting their hands up for this trial. 

I’m amazed that clubs now have members of staff who measure your sleep pattern, heart rate, sprints, and yet they don’t measure what could be the most dangerous part of the game — what heading the ball can do to your brain. 

This study, using a mouthguard, is expected to help us solve that.

Man City are to play a key role in a new trial into effects of heading - using a mouthguard

Man City are to play a key role in a new trial into effects of heading - using a mouthguard

Man City are to play a key role in a new trial into effects of heading – using a mouthguard

Liverpool will also join City in spearheading the trial to gather more information on the effects

Liverpool will also join City in spearheading the trial to gather more information on the effects

Liverpool will also join City in spearheading the trial to gather more information on the effects

At Norwich I might practise heading on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

It would be nice to know what that was doing to my brain. Because your upper jaw is fixed to your skull, we’re told that’s how this mouthguard measures the trauma. 

I just hope this is a speedy process. The FA say they have been advised to limit how often players are exposed to heading. 

Let’s get this study going and make that happen sooner rather than later.

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