At Trump’s demand, feds may spend tens of millions of dollars painting Texas border wall black

click to enlarge President Trump visits the U.S.-Mexico border last year to see the installation of a new section of wall. - CBP PHOTOGRAPHY

  • CBP Photography
  • President Trump visits the U.S.-Mexico border last year to see the installation of a new section of wall.

Your tax dollars at work, folks.

Despite figures showing that such a move would add tens of millions of dollars in costs, the Trump administration is considering painting 82 miles of South Texas border wall black, CNN reports.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials confirmed the plan to the network, saying the pricy epoxy-based coating may be option for other parts of the structure. The section being considered for the paint job is in the Rio Grande Valley and Laredo.

The new hue would also be in line with an earlier demand by President Donald Trump, who reportedly thinks black will be hurtier on the hands of potential climbers and make the wall look menacing — in thematic unity, of course, with former lackey Brad Parscale’s campaign Death Star.

The fancy new paint job would only run an extra $1 million per mile, according to CBP’s own numbers.

Despite Trump’s demand that his signature public works accomplishment look more evil and imposing, agency officials told CNN they’re considering the new finish “in part to provide a contrast against the natural surroundings.” (Who knew they had decorators on staff?)

Painting Trump’s entire pinche border wall black would result in a $500 million additional taxpayer expense, according to a Washington Post report from May.

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