A Steam Page May Have Accidentally Revealed An Upcoming Streets Of Rage 4 DLC Fighter

Streets Of Rage 4

It looks like we could be set to receive some DLC for Streets of Rage 4, if a newly-spotted listing on Steam is to be believed.

The new page, spotted on the Steamdb website by Reddit user mikesaintjules, refers to an unreleased piece of DLC for Windows users. It doesn’t reveal too much about the contents included other than the title of a character who will be familiar to fans of the series. If you don’t want to be spoiled, we’d suggest you head back to our home page now.

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The DLC’s title is listed as ‘Streets Of Rage 4 – Mr. X Nightmare’, referring, of course, to the series’ main antagonist, Mr. X. Those who have played Streets of Rage 3 (and again, we must stress that spoilers are ahead) will know that Mr. X actually died at the end of that game, so his appearance in 4 would be very interesting indeed.

Streets of Rage 4’s developers and publishers have yet to officially announce any DLC for the title, so bear in mind that this isn’t yet confirmed. It’d be surprising to see a page like this appear on Steam’s site without a cause for it, however, so the real question is whether or not the DLC will come to Switch in the future.

Time will tell!

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