3 Things Raiders Must Do To Make 2021 NFL Playoffs

When the 2021-22 NFL season kicks off, it will make five seasons since the Las Vegas Raiders were in the playoffs.

The last time being the magical 2016 season where the Raiders finished 12-4 en route to a first-round exit. Since then, the Raiders are 25-39 under the leadership of Jon Gruden. However, the team made many moves in the 2021 offseason and if these things go right, they could sneak into the playoffs.

A vast improvement on the Raiders defense

Simply, the Raiders have been terrible on defense in recent years. After watching the unit fail again under Paul Guenther, Las Vegas has brought in former Seattle coordinator Gus Bradley. In Bradley, the Raiders are getting a coach who has the experience needed to at least get average production from the group. This production must include forcing more turnovers. In 2020, the defense forced just 15 turnovers ranking 30th in the NFL. The defense must become more opportunistic and give the offense more attempts at winning the game.  

In the attempt to improve this unit, the Raiders have given Bradley some exciting new players. Second-rounder, Trevon Moehrig should instantly become the teams starting free safety. If healthy, his instincts and play-making ability make him a strong bet to lead the team in interceptions. Also added was pass-rushing extraordinaire, Yannick Ngakoue. Bradley was the Jaguars head coach during Ngakoue’s rookie season where he had eight sacks so the familiarity should help bolster a pass rush that had just 21 sacks last season. 

If the Raiders can repeat last season’s offensive performance, they will simply need to field an average defense. With further development from young players such as Damon Arnette and Johnathan Abram, they will be well on their way. 

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