25 LGBTQ+ San Antonio Creatives on Celebrating Pride and Boosting Black Voices During a Tumultuous Time

25 LGBTQ+ San Antonio Creatives on Celebrating Pride and Boosting Black Voices During a Tumultuous Time

Posted By Bryan Rindfuss on Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 4:52 PM

click to enlarge Clockwise from top left: LGBTQ+ San Antonio creatives Polly Anna Rocha, Darian Donovan Thomas, Jose Villalobos, Daiquonne Lanier, Aamori Olujimi, Golden Skyy, Ana Fernandez and Anel I. Flores

  • Clockwise from top left: LGBTQ+ San Antonio creatives Polly Anna Rocha, Darian Donovan Thomas, Jose Villalobos, Daiquonne Lanier, Aamori Olujimi, Golden Skyy, Ana Fernandez and Anel I. Flores

This year marks half a century since the Christopher Street Liberation Day March commemorated the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots — the New York uprising that birthed the gay rights movement and LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations around the world.

Sadly, Pride in the modern era frequently focuses on hedonism and rainbows while neglecting to recognize Stonewall’s history as a violent protest over police routinely raiding gay bars and harassing the community. With the world entangled in both a global pandemic and protests over racial injustice and police brutality, we reached out to 40-plus LGBTQ+ San Antonio creatives to ask them how Pride should be observed this year, how identity shapes their work and what role they see artists playing within the realm of politics.

Twenty-five people responded to our questionnaire, which asked participants to answer at least three questions from a series of six.

Tags: Christopher Street Liberation Day, Stonewall Riots, Stonewall, LGBTQ+ Pride, Gay Pride, gay rights movement, gay artists, LGBTQ+ artists, Black artists, trans artists, BIPOC, Black Lives Matter, Aamori Olujimi, Agosto Cuellar, Ana Fernandez, Anel I. Flores, Anthony Dean-Harris, Antonia Padilla, Chris Sauter, Daiquonne Lanier, Darian Donovan Thomas, David Zamora Casas, Diana Kersey, Ernesto Olivo, Golden Skyy, Heyd Fontenot, Jesse Mata, Jimmy James, Jose Villalobos, Kristy Perez, Nicki Lucio, Nina Donley, Polly Anna Rocha, René Paul Barilleaux, Rick Frederick, Tim Hedgepeth, Wesley Harvey, Saintlorraine, Andy Warhol, James Baldwin, Divine, John Waters, McNay Art Museum, Transamerica/n, Kenneth Anger, Larry Kramer, ACT UP, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, gay activists, gay activism, Frida Kahlo, Anaïs Nin, Nikki Giovanni, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Ana Castillo, Adrienne Rich, Sharon Bridgeforth, D’Lo, Adelina Anthony, Maya Chapina, Carla Trujillo, Claudia Rodriguez, Charles Rice-Gonzalez, Norma Cantu, Kay Barret, Joe Jimenez, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz, Dino Foxx, Erasmo Guerra, San Antonio, Texas, Image, Cover Story

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