What you should know about the stay-home order expiring in San Antonio
After 11:59 tonight, residents in San Antonio and Bexar County will no longer be under a stay-at- home order.
San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and County Judge Nelson Wolff issued the first order on March 23 to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. The order was extended repeatedly since then, but Nirenberg and Wolff said they will let the local order expire as scheduled on Thursday.
READ MORE: The latest news and features about coronavirus in San Antonio
“The staying at home moniker really doesn’t apply now,” Nirenberg said Wednesday evening during the city and county’s daily COVID-19 briefing.
San Antonio and Bexar County had been under stay-at-home orders despite Gov. Greg Abbott’s phased plan to reopen the Texas economy began in May. On Wednesday, the governor announced Phase 3 of his plan, which allows nearly every business in Texas to reopen by the end of the month.
Here’s what you should know about the stay-home orders expiring Thursday in San Antonio
– Businesses and establishments in the city and county will follow the public health guidelines given in Abbott’s “Open Texas” plan.
– Face coverings are still recommended but can not be enforced within the county or city limits.
– The state order limits large gatherings to 10 people or less, a rule the city and county have the ability to enforce with fines of up to $1,000.
Priscilla Aguirre is a general assignment reporter for MySA.com | [email protected] | @CillaAguirre