Trying to figure out LaMarcus Aldridge

Trying to figure out LaMarcus Aldridge

What LMA’s history can tell us about his present, and maybe his future

I’ve been trying to get a handle on how I feel about LaMarcus Aldridge almost from the moment the Spurs signed him. The way this past season — and postseason — went, I’m only more at a loss. So I reached out to Dave Deckard, my buddy who runs the excellent Blazers Edge, and covered LMA from the minute he was trafted by the Trail Blazers, until he left Portland in free agency to come to San Antonio. I figured, if there’s anyone who’d be able to shed some light onto our power forward, it’d be Dave.

(We started this conversation before Game 3 of the WCF, and finished it Monday after the season ended.)

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Source: Pounding The Rock

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